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Counseling & Support

Westside Academy offers regular counseling support for all students. We use a holistic approach that looks at the whole child- not just academics. Being a teenager is hard! We try to help out with all the issues that come up in a teen's life. We have a licensed Marriage and Family Counselor visit us every two weeks for a social skills lesson. Proven lesson plans are utilized which help students deal with some of the stresses of daily living. We have regularly dealt with lessons on diversity, anger management, death, suicide, peer pressure, drugs, depression, and many others.

For those students needing academic support, school psychologists, nurses, counselors and specialists in Speech/Language/Hearing and adaptive physical education are available to provide a wide variety of support services for students. Student Study Teams assist students experiencing academic difficulty, and those with special needs, in assessing eligibility for placement in special classes and recommending specialized services as needed. Special services and classes are offered for students with learning disabilities as well as other students with exceptional needs.